All City Permits


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Serving Miami-Dade, Broward & Palm Beach








City of Riviera Beach Code Compliance
600 West Blue Heron Blvd., Riviera Beach, FL 33404


All City Permits is a full service permit expediter / runner with many years of experience in code compliance. We specialize in fixing code enforcement violations, stop work orders, unsafe structures, expired permits and legalizations in the City of Riviera Beach.

In South Florida, all city building departments have adopted the set of building codes from the Florida Building Code. These rules and regulations are aimed at ensuring the health, safety and general well-being of the occupants in each dwelling type (single family residence, multi family, apartment building, commercial, etc.). The specificity of building codes range from requirements for ensuring a floor can bear an adequate load to the minimum height a balcony guardrail must be.

Each city has their own code compliance officers that are responsible to evaluate private and public properties to ensure that they do not violate local government codes or other state laws and regulations.
Code compliance officers regularly patrol the city, responding to calls about work done without a permit and enforcing city and state building codes.  

When a code compliance officer finds work being done without a permit they will take photos and issue a violation. Depending on the type of violation, the officer might post a stop work order or unsafe structure on the property immediately.

Property owner will receive a violation notice in the mail with a fine. If the violation repair process starts within specified time frame on notice then fine(s) can usually be avoided. If property owner does not take action within specified time frame, court fines will continue to accumulate and liens can also be put on the property after a certain amount of time.

If you have received a notice of violation it is in your best interest to response as quickly as possible. If you are not familiar with the process it could be a daunting task filled with frustration and disappointment.
All City Permits is an expert in code violation repair and can help you get the problem resolved. We offer complete management of the code compliance process from start to finish and our goal is to become a cost effective and trusted resource for you.

Just like you would not attempt to prepare and file your own taxes, you should hire an expert in the industry to expedite and fix your code violation. You will save valuable time and money by outsourcing this task.

Call us today 305-300-0364 for a FREE Consultation




Our Permit
Related Services

- Business Tax Receipt

- Certificate of Use

Certificate of Occupancy

- Certificate of Completion

- Change of Contractor

- Expired Permits Closure

- Fire & Building         

- Inspections Management

- Original Plans & Record Searches

- Permit / Violation Searches

- Permitting Administration

- Permit Extension

- Permit Renewals

- Plan Review & Processing

- Preconstruction Consulting

- Recording Services

- Special Inspections

- Violation Remediation

- Zoning Hearings & Variances

- 40 Year Inspections


305-300-0364                    Email:                                    Copyright 2017 All City Permits of Florida, LLC